Identification |
Official Latin term | cavitas anatomica |
Official subsidiary term | anatomical cavity |
Unit identifier | TAH:U10177 |
Unit type | taxonomic |
Materiality | immaterial |
Navigation |
Taxonomic definition |
Taxonomic definition | An anatomical cavity is an anatomical space [spatium anatomicum ] which contains portions of one or more body substances [portio substantiae ]. |
Taxonomic definition | An anatomical cavity is an anatomical space [spatium anatomicum ] which contains portions of one or more body substances and is bounded by the internal surface of one maximally connected anatomical structure or two or more adjacent anatomical structures. (Foundational Model of Anatomy) |
Taxonomy |
FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67112 | |
FMA:5897 | |
FMA:67552 | cavitas anatomica |
TAH10572 |
TAH13865 |
TAH13867 | |
TAH13868 | |
TAH13871 | |
TAH13869 | |
TAH13872 | |
TAH13870 | |
TAH13873 |
TAH13876 | |
TAH13875 |
TAH13874 | |
TAH13878 | |
TAH13879 | |
TAH13880 | |
TAH13796 |
TAH7358 |
TAH10573 |
TAH14809 |
TAH3655 |
TAH19871 |
TAH15976 |
TAH5562 | |
TAH5547 | |
TAH5548 | |
TAH5569 |
TAH16049 |
TAH2557 |
TAH16199 |
TAH16203 |
TAH16204 |
TAH2984 | |
TAH2983 |
TAH16161 | |
TAH16162 |
TAH10574 |
TAH6099 | |
TAH7163 | |
TAH8193 |
TAH7165 | |
TAH14633 |
TAH7166 |
TAH8196 | |
TAH8199 | |
TAH14059 |
TAH7255 | |
TAH7256 | |
TAH7175 | |
TAH7305 | |
TAH7300 | |
TAH16307 |
TAH10575 |
TAH390 | |
TAH163 | |
TAH2782 | |
TAH2277 | |
TAH22528 |
TAH2294 | |
TAH2279 | |
TAH2438 |
TAH11253 |
TAH398 | |
TAH11254 |
TAH393 | |
TAH394 | |
TAH395 | |
TAH397 |
TAH2790 |
TAH10576 | |
TAH10577 | |
TAH10578 |
TAH352 | |
TAH353 | |
TAH11049 |
TAH498 |
TAH354 | |
TAH386 |
TAH10579 | |
TAH10580 | |
TAH10581 | |
TAH10582 | |
TAH10583 | |
TAH12777 |
Total |
85 children
Date: 20.10.2023 |